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consider the Roscian Period of the Bri

frankly expresses his regret for such of his
errors as he now sees, and is not ashamed to be ashamed of certain
offences (like that which won him a very unpleasant nickname) against
good taste and good breeding, which the imperfect civilization of

politicians formerly tempted them to commit. Remoteness from the
currents of modern thought--such as life in a region so isolated as
the South has always been involves--will account for much cast-off
allusion in his book to Greece and Rome, as well as that inflation of
style generally characteristic of Southern literature. _Poems in
and Firelight._ By JOHN JAMES PIATT. Cincinnati: R. W. Carroll

& Co. 1866. Among the best poems of the earlier days of the Atlantic
was Mr. Piatt's "Morning Street,"

which we
think some of our readers may remember even at this remote period,
after so much immortality in all walks of literature has flourished
and passed away. Mr.
Piatt later published a littl

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