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emips status?
I've toyed a bit with the giano emulator from Microsoft, mostly
to see if the emips port is in a runnable state. Unfortunately,
it looks like the answer to that is "no" at the moment.
After my tvivial fix:
Modified Files:
src/sys/arch/emips/emips: machdep.c
Log Message:
Initialize iospace_size instead of iospace (will be overwritten) to 64k.
Brings boot of emips on giano a bit closer, but now it's stuck (hangs).
it gets a bit further, doesn't panic anymore, but also is not
<break>able into DDB, so as far as I can see it's wedged. Hints
for next steps appreciated. Dmesg so far attached below.
- HÃ¥vard
Loading: 0/ace(0,0)/netbsd
nfs_open: must mount first.
open 0/ace(0,0)/netbsd: Device not configured
Default: 0/ace(0,0)/netbsd
boot: 0/ace(1,0)/netbsd
Loading: 0/ace(1,0)/netbsd
Starting at 0x80020000
memory segment 0 start 00000000 size 10000000
memory segment 1 start 10000000 size 00100000
Too much memory in cluster 0, trimming memory to range 00000000..08000000
Too much memory, ignoring memory range 10000000..10100000
Copyright (c) 1996, 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005,
2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017
The NetBSD Foundation, Inc. All rights reserved.
Copyright (c) 1982, 1986, 1989, 1991, 1993
The Regents of the University of California. All rights reserved.
NetBSD 8.99.1 (RAMDISK) #63: Sun Jul 30 12:12:05 CEST 2017
Xilinx ML50x (eMIPS)
total memory = 128 MB
avail memory = 120 MB
rnd: callout attached as an entropy source (collecting)
rnd: initialised (4096)
rnd: printf attached as an entropy source (collecting without estimation)
rnd: autoconf attached as an entropy source (collecting)
rnd: WARNING! initial entropy low (3).
rnd: entropy estimate 0 bits
rnd: asking source callout for 512 bytes
rnd: WARNING! initial entropy low (0).
rnd: entropy estimate 0 bits
rnd: asking source callout for 512 bytes
mainbus0 (root)
cpu0 at mainbus0: Toshiba or Microsoft eMIPS CPU (0x70401) Rev. 1 with software emulated floating point
cpu0: 64 TLB entries
ebus0 at mainbus0
eclock0 at ebus0 addr 0xfff80000: eMIPS clock
dz0 at ebus0 addr 0xfff90000: neilsart 1 line
ace0 at ebus0 addr 0xfff50000 : System ACE
ace1 at ebus0 addr 0xfff50100 : System ACE
enic0 at ebus0 addr 0xfff10000: eNIC [1 0], address 00:00:00:00:00:00
rnd: enic0 attached as an entropy source (off)
icap at ebus0 addr 0xffed0000 not configured
rnd_dt_estimate: autoconf x = 7606697806691068762, dx = 7606697804919996421, d2x = -9214866401599641344
gpio at ebus0 addr 0xfff60000 not configured
rnd: entropy estimate 3 bits
rnd: asking source callout for 512 bytes
eflash0 at ebus0 addr 0xfffb0000 base f0000000: 8MB flash memory (2 x StrataFlash 28F320)
lcd at ebus0 addr 0xfff40000 not configured
evga at ebus0 addr 0xfff20000 not configured
ps2 at ebus0 addr 0xfff30000 not configured
ac97 at ebus0 addr 0xffef0000 not configured
rnd: WARNING! initial entropy low (7).
rnd: entropy estimate 0 bits
rnd: asking source callout for 512 bytes
rnd: WARNING! initial entropy low (0).
rnd: entropy estimate 0 bits
rnd: asking source callout for 512 bytes
rnd: cpu0 attached as an entropy source (collecting)
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