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Can't compile longson kernels

Hey folks,

the bulk builds for evbmips64 have been failing since a long time.
Problem is: the compiler generates code like:

        ld      $31,24($sp)  
        ld      $16,16($sp) 
$LVL2 = .
        j       $31
        daddiu  $sp,$sp,32

and "j" is a macro, expanding to multiple instructions in this case, which
causes a warning. The assembler is invoked with -mips3,
or to be precise:

tools/lib/gcc/mips64el--netbsd/4.5.4/../../../../mips64el--netbsd/bin/as -G 0 
-EL -mips3 -O2 -g -no-mdebug -mabi=64 -msym32 -v -mfix-loongson2f-btb 
--fatal-warnings -o compat_util.o

I somehow thought load delay slots would be mips1 only?

Is the warning bogus? Am I missing something?


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