Subject: Re: CP0 count register
To: Simon Burge <>
From: Matthew Luckie <>
List: port-mips
Date: 06/22/2007 20:41:27
On the 15th of May 2007 we exchanged emails.

> I'd never have thought to allow CP0 access to user programs.  Certainly
> from a general standpoint you couldn't do this, since then any user
> process can completely corrupt the machine state and security would be
> pretty much non-existant.  That said, it seems like what you suggest
> might work.  Just be _really_ careful which registers you touch :-)

For the list archives, it turned out that the magic place to do the 
modification to the status register is


  f->f_regs[_R_SR] = PSL_USERSET | MIPS_SR_COP_0_BIT;

the changes i tried in

sys/arch/mips/mips/vm_machdep.c:cpu_lwp_fork(), cpu_setfunc()

  pcb->pcb_context[11] |= (PSL_LOWIPL|MIPS_SR_COP_0_BIT); /* SR */

had no effect.

> I'm guessing the overhead of a gettimeofday(2) system call is either
> too high, or not granular enough?  The way I'd probably go about this
> if I really needed access to CP0 Count would be to add some sort of
> fast path handling.  Perhaps add a new system call number and check for
> it explicitly in MIPSX(SystemCall) before you set up the kernel stack
> frame.  You could do that in a handful of instructions, and the impact
> on normal system calls should be quite minimal.

I wasn't sure what you meant by this when you wrote it, but now it is 
fairly clear.  I would be happy to put some effort into modifying that 
routine and submitting code back to NetBSD if someone else thought this 
might be a useful thing, though I guess modifying such a critical 
function (speed-wise) is not likely to be feasible.

But, at this time I've got what I've wanted and I'm happy :)