Subject: propose fix Vr4100 page mask lossage
To: None <>
From: Toru Nishimura <>
List: port-mips
Date: 04/18/2000 11:12:39
I have no Vr4100 at hand, so...

Index: locore_mips3.S
RCS file: /cvsroot/syssrc/sys/arch/mips/mips/locore_mips3.S,v
retrieving revision 1.22
diff -c -r1.22 locore_mips3.S
*** locore_mips3.S	2000/04/12 01:05:35	1.22
--- locore_mips3.S	2000/04/18 02:12:11
*** 2350,2355 ****
--- 2350,2356 ----
  	mfc0	t1, MIPS_COP_0_TLB_WIRED
  	move	t2, a0
  	li	v0, MIPS_KSEG0_START		# invalid address
+ 	mfc0	t3, MIPS_COP_0_TLB_PG_MASK	# -for the sake of Vr4100-
  	# do {} while (t1 < t2)
*** 2378,2383 ****
--- 2379,2387 ----
  	bne	t1, t2, 1b
+ 	mtc0	t3, MIPS_COP_0_TLB_PG_MASK	# -for the sake of Vr4100-
+ 	nop
+ 	nop
  	j	ra				# new ASID will be set soon
  	mtc0	v1, MIPS_COP_0_STATUS		# restore status register
*** 2394,2399 ****
--- 2398,2404 ----
  	dmfc0	t0, MIPS_COP_0_TLB_HI		# save current ASID
  	mfc0	t1, MIPS_COP_0_TLB_WIRED
  	li	v0, MIPS_KSEG0_START		# invalid address
+ 	mfc0	t2, MIPS_COP_0_TLB_PG_MASK	# -for the sake of Vr4100-
  	dmtc0	v0, MIPS_COP_0_TLB_HI		# make entryHi invalid
  	dmtc0	zero, MIPS_COP_0_TLB_LO0	# zero out entryLo0
*** 2413,2418 ****
--- 2418,2424 ----
  	dmtc0	t0, MIPS_COP_0_TLB_HI		# restore ASID
+ 	mtc0	t2, MIPS_COP_0_TLB_PG_MASK	# -for the sake of Vr4100-
  	j	ra