Subject: New mips available [was: Re: *wm* no longer crashes]
To: Michael L. Hitch <>
From: Jonathan Stone <jonathan@DSG.Stanford.EDU>
List: port-mips
Date: 03/06/1998 10:45:42
>  I now have an updated available for testing which should fix the
>problem with multiple function definitions in shared libraries.  I have
>tested this with a simple test program as well as with resize which
>previously crashed.  My twm seems quite stable as well.  I've put a
>tarfile with the updated for anyone who would like to test in

FYI: Michael's updated also fixes a similar bug in perl,
where linking against -lposix caused Perl to coredump if it called
(POSIX) rename().  I havent yet verified it fixes the similar problem
with a dynamically-linked tcsh, but from the twm symptoms, I'm
morally certain it will.

A source patch will be made available for other MIPS ports RSN.