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Re: atomic link failures for ArcticFox


Martin Husemann wrote:
You mean NetBSD? I don't know about Linux. NetBSD does not paper over the
lack of 64bit atomics in 32bit ppc userland by default, so: yes.
I meant "like on Linux"... in gcc 4.8 times gecko needed -latomic to 
build, now not more.
Unless you can compile the code (there often are #ifdef's for it)
to avoid the 64bit data type that is used atomically here.

It appears not to exist.. do I need to install it?
Yes, many pkgs in pkgsrc add it as a dependency on i386 and ppc (and
a few more less common architectures).
Yes... I had it installed, but I had to be crude to use it. I added in 
export LDFLAGS="-L/usr/pkg/lib -Wl,-R/usr/pkg/lib -latomic"

which is a little bit crude perhaps. How did you manage it for FF 45 or FF52? I looked if mozilla has added some wizardry to support 32bit netbsd, but could find none. There is an explicit test for -latomic, but without the correct paths it will sure fail.

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