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Re: Another pkg question - named replacement

I continue with my server upgrade, installing, testing and tweaking.
5.0.2 is much faster on the same HW than NetBSD 2.1, AFAICT.  It's

I've noticed that NetBSD takes a little more memory, but in general is noticeably faster than older NetBSD. It's pretty obvious on slower machines like Amigas and VAXen.

What I decided to do is do a

        mv /usr/sbin/named /usr/sbin/named.orig

on all the std bind tools.  It's crude, but does the job.

Question:  Is there a more elegant way to do this?  I could have done
this with a thicket of symlinks, too, but I don't want to blow away
the std versions, lest I have to fall back.

You could just set the path so that /usr/pkg/ is searched before /...

P.S.  The problem I ran into was that under heavy load, the 5.0.2 bind
would get "stuck" - not dead, but _really_ slow - unusable.  Rather than
try to debug it, I decided to upgrade bind.  9.6.1 seems to be working

On my macppc system it would lock up. Maybe it really was answering every now and then, but it's hard to tell when there are hundreds of requests a second not happening. It's good to know that it's better if not altogether fixed.


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