Subject: Re: A few macppc newbie questions
To: Andy Ruhl <>
From: Michael Lorenz <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 02/26/2007 14:24:38
Hash: SHA1


On Feb 26, 2007, at 09:07, Andy Ruhl wrote:

> On 2/25/07, Michael Lorenz <> wrote:
>> Definitely maybe. Your IDE card needs firmware that OF can understand 
>> -
>> there are plenty of such cards but they tend to be a lot more 
>> expensive
>> than their plain old firmware-less PCish counterparts.
> Heh, that's telling me straight!
> I found a card that is claimed to be supported with a Mac, so that
> might be what I do. It's not really cheap (it cost more than my entire
> G3 shipped to my door), but it will do what I want it to.

Hmm, the B&W G3 has a CMD IDE chip onboard, maybe cards with something 
similar will Just Work. But then they might have the same troubles as 
said onboard chip.

And you can always boot from a CF card hooked to the onboard IDE and 
use some cheap, PCish SATA card for everything else.

> The next question is how to mount all those drives, and if the power
> supply will handle it...

At least the G4s have bog standard ATX power supplies, so finding a 
replacement if you have to will probably be trivial.

> I still haven't figured out how to make the Mac boot NetBSD 
> automatically, but I haven't spent much time on it either. Netbooting 
> seems to be a relative snap...

It might have the problem that newer OF has - not initializing the 
console unless it's dropping to the OF prompt. There are nvramrc 
scripts to get around that, just have google look at the port-macppc 
If you have trouble booting from an IDE disk you might need more 
nvramrc patches, trying to boot an OSX CD should install them. My beige 
G3 doesn't even see IDE disks without patches but after booting a 10.3 
CD ( and cleaning up OF settings besides nvramrc ) I can just boot 

have fun
Version: GnuPG v1.2.4 (Darwin)
