Subject: Re: Apple switches to intel -- welcome to the 'historic section',
To: Michael <>
From: Timo Schoeler <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 06/06/2005 21:36:44
thus Michael spake:
> Hello,
>>>last nail to Apple's coffin. seems sgi didn't want to be alone :D
>>It'd have made sense to sell OS X for x86 and keep PowerPC for those
>>of us willing to pay more for quality and / or high end performance.
> Screw them, when they'll drop support for more PowerMacs we'll inherit
> them ;)
> Let's see how long IBM continues to make POWER-based workstations. 

when they're the only alternative to intel et al. (Alpha died, HP-PA
does, MIPS on the not-embedded field also, SPARC may survive - i hope -
and then there's POWER) i bet even the dumbest economic guy will
continue it. prove me wrong :D

>>I did my stint with Z80, and I like having more registers than I can
>>count on my fingers...
> Heh, with index- and shadow-registers you could achieve that on a Z80.
> Barely ;)
>>Oh, well! And I thought we were finally coming out of the dark ages of
>>computing - and maybe we still are, slowly, but moving to such a 
>>legacy-limited architecture is definitely a step backwards...

yip. i have not a single x86 machine here, and i never will (except the
one i have a shell account on and can access it remotely).
unfortunately, today Apple died for me as did Commodore and sgi (e.g.)
earlier. it's a shame :(

> We don't support any G5 yet as far as I can tell and support for the
> 32bit machines is far from complete. Lots of work to do.


Timo Schoeler | |
//macfinity -- finest IT services |
Key fingerprint = F844 51BE C22C F6BD 1196  90B2 EF68 C851 6E12 2D8A

There are 10 types of people in the world. Those who understand binary
and those who don't.