Subject: setting OF in the dark
To: None <>
From: Peter Rooney <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 04/18/2005 16:56:01
Dear folks,

I am trying to install netBSD on a 7600.  Due to some...hardware 
availability issues... I have yet to reach Milestone.  I suspect that 
others have cleared this particular hurdle before, and are willing to 
share their knowledge.

I'm using a PCI video card, with no mac monitor available to plug into
/chaos/control, and only one computer, so setting up another computer as
a serial console is not an option.  I'm not expecting to find a second 
mac with a serial port any time this month.

What I've been trying to do in the meantime is get the install going by 
manually changing the output device to the video card.  Not seeing the 
prompt or feedback has made this an exercise in futility.

I have a linux install on another drive, and searching through
/proc/device-tree/bandit/ has yeilded no clues.   The installation 
document suggests it would be something along the lines of
`/bandit@F400000/ATY,mach64@D' or `/bandit/ATY,mach64', or
`/bandit@F2000000', and nothing that google has offered has gotten more 
specific than that.  Because I don't have a second computer or a 
macintosh monitor to plug into the onboard video, I can't just ask at 
the OF prompt (which I can access, btw, and can even do `eject fd:' by 
typing blind, but I have yet to stumble across the correct `boot 
foo,\bar' combination to begin installation from the CD or the boot 
floppies.  Or maybe i have, and it's presenting a dialogue to the serial 
console instead of my video card.

I give up, and am asking for directions.  I have met my match.  Rather 
than trying out myriad combinations of output-device values (via MacOS 
Boot variables) and moving the video card around the slots, I am asking 
those most likely to know.

Has someone compiled a list of valid output-device values for the 
various PCI slots on the various machines?  I suspect that if someone 
else also had an ATI card in their outermost PCI slot, I would just plug 
in their values.  That, or I'm missing something basic about the OF boot 

Is it even possible to do this?  Or should I just patiently wait until I 
can find an old macintosh before continuing?

Peter Rooney