Subject: Re: Mac Mini audio
To: None <>
From: Peter Seebach <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 02/13/2005 05:37:10
In message <>, Peter Seebach writ
>In message <>, Michael writes:
>>The snapper driver should work for you, it's output-only right now
>Hmm. Nope! My i2s says it's compatible with "AOAKeylargo", not "snapper".
Hah! It WORKED! Sending off an under-researched message to the mailing
list fixed my problem.
>Hacking the driver to match it anyway produces:
>snapper0 at obio0 offset 0x10000: irq 30,1,2
>Audioctl and suchlike work, but:
># audioplay altar.wav
>audioplay: failed to open /dev/sound0: Invalid argument
$ audioplay -d /dev/audio0 altar.wav
[old Dungeon Master sound effects]
In short, it looks like this is just some magic distinction between sound0
and audio0 I don't understand. But hey, it worked.