Subject: whoa... my powerbook just powered off....
To: None <>
From: Niels S.Eliasen <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 01/08/2005 01:44:42
I know it is an old quote, but really! this is my experience with a 
completely fresh 2.0 install on a Powerbook 3500(aka Kanga, aka Orig 

After getting the install running(not too easy...), I finally managed 
to get NetBSD 2.0 installed on the harddisk....
First boot after the install and the system powered in the 
kernel, probed for various devices, and got to the "cpu"  section.. I 
am not 100% certain on the actual line, but this is a standard install 
all the way through....

Anyone seen anything like this ? or am I just missing something from 
the installation-docs??

mvh/kind regards
Niels S. Eliasen