Subject: Re: other mem-related issue;was: overfilling mfs partitions
To: Bill Studenmund <>
From: Rudi Ludwig <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 11/27/2004 21:03:13
On Wed, 24 Nov 2004 16:15:22 -0800
Bill Studenmund <> wrote:

> .....
> Check your resource limits. user limits are typically set for 128 MB
> of data, so it sounds like your program got too big and was told it
> couldn't grab more memory.
Could you elaborate on this please.

I checked the kernel config-file, and found no parameter
had a look at man(8) sysctl, also nothing that triggert me
nor did /etc/defaults/rc.conf

Someone to tell me where to change this per process memory resource

Not that I am that eager on running benchmark programms, but I would
like to understand what happens there.
