Subject: Re: Allright....
To: Andreas Drewke <>
From: John Klos <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 07/28/2003 05:41:23
> >You didn't say which of those pins had jumpers on them.
> Okay.. the 9th was set. I removed it.
> Should I set another one?

There's no reason to not start up immediately on powerup; that's mostly
for systems with many drives so that they don't all start up

> >Did you try the drive on the external bus (the 50 pin connector on the
> >motherboard that is not marked "Fast SCSI")?
> Now I've tried and it works :-) Thanx
> But for the sake of lower speed I guess...
> Is there no other way to get that thing going?

If you are having the same problem I have due to our accelerators, I don't
think you will be able to boot off of the faster SCSI bus. However, if you
connect any other drives to the fast bus, or to a PCI SCSI card, they
should work.

My system boots off of a 4 gig drive on the motherboard SCSI, then, once
the kernel loads, it mounts root on an ultra wide PCI SCSI card and
several fast SCSI drives. If these systems had IDE on the motherboard,
(like the Motorola Starmax, for instace), I'd boot the kernel off of a
compact flash card, like my Amiga 1200 does. Then I'd have space for
another SCSI drive on the UW SCSI bus... Not a total waste, though,
because I have an "emergency" system on the 4 gig.

> Thank you very much...

Sure! That's what we're here for!

John Klos
Sixgirls Computing Labs