Subject: Re: powerbook g3
To: None <>
From: Koen Jansen <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 07/05/2003 08:51:23 wrote:

>On Fri, 20 Jun 2003, Koen Jansen wrote:
>>Does anyone had any luck with a powerbook g3 series?
>>i have installed netbsd 1.6 successfully with the aid of TFTP/NFS (boot
>>enet:,ofwboot.xcf netbsd.GENERIC_MD)
>>but i am not able to boot the hard disk from open firmware. (OF version
>>i am able to get into a shell if i run it diskless with tftp/NFS and
>>then mount the HDD but im curios if there is an option to boot it from
>>the hd anyway.
>>but someone has told me that OF 2.0.1 can't boot from a hard
>>disk/floppy/cdrom etc. only from tftp or the MacOS rom.
>>i have already searched and for answers but if i
>>type any of the following commands i found it comes with a DEFAULT
>>CATCH! or Cannot open device etc.
>>boot ata0/disk@0:0
>>boot pci/mac-io/ata0/disk@0:0
>>boot ata0
>Mine powerbook g3 with same openfirmware boots with 
>boot ata-int/ata-disk@0:0
>boot-device variable is ata-int/ata-disk@0:0,AAPL,ROM and boot-file is 
It still gives a can't open error
but no hard drives are visible inside open firmware
is there any command to detect it etc, ?