Subject: Re: Open Firmware 1.0.5 error not in FAQ
To: Jon Whitlock <>
From: Henry B. Hotz <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 11/15/2002 09:50:07
At 11:44 AM +0000 11/15/02, Jon Whitlock wrote:
>Thanks to everyone who responded (it is indeed an MS-DOS floppy I 
>was using as was inferred in the original post).
>Unfortunately, whilst setting up the env variables again after a 
>'PRAM zap' I mis-counted zeroes and cunningly set the real-base env 
>variable to F000000 instead of F00000 (ooops).  The lovely machine 
>is apparently now a lovelier doorstop.  So I am unable to test the 
>command kindly posted by Henry - well not until after a trip back to 
>Apple I think - unless someone knows a way round this...

No it's not nearly that bad because you don't have any eeprom, just 
nvram.  All you need to do is take the battery off the motherboard 
for a few hours with the machine unplugged and you'll be fine.

I think the real-base is preventing OF from getting started to read 
the C-O-P-R reset from the keyboard.
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