Subject: Re: Mac or PC for IP gateway?/Mac or PC for Samba?
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-macppc
Date: 07/09/2002 04:29:01
>>> but all the same, it costs more to buy a macppc than an intel box.
>> Is that really true even after taking quality into account?
> Are you trying to start a flame war?  Heh heh!  I bet!

Hey!  I didn't cross-post to port-i386!

> Really, though, all of us with an attention span of more than 5
> minutes knows that a Mac will outlast and outvalue most computers.

Actually, I suspect that practically anything not an i386 will.  Most
of my machines are suns, and they certainly just keep on ticking....

But the klone makers mean that most i386 hardware has corners cut
everywhere possible, since most buyers aren't interested in paying
extra for quality when a cheaply-made machine can be had cheap.  (I've
seen high-quality x86 boxen, but not often.)

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