Subject: StarMax also hungs at start=0x80000 if kbd/screen
To: None <>
From: Makoto Fujiwara <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 06/15/2002 07:40:23
MW> 4400 no longer works (and presumably the other models based on the Tanzania
MW> motherboard -- Motorola Starmax 3000 and 4000, and the APS M*Power 604e/200)
mef> PM4400 has very strange setup on keyboard. PS/2 connector is not installed

PM4400 and StarMax behave the same way as far as this problem 
concerned. Both machine stop after 
line is shown if input-device/output-device are set kbd/screen
respectively. Above keyboard weirdness are irrelevant. 
Makoto Fujiwara,