Subject: Re: powerbook g4
To: None <>
From: Rob Latham <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 03/28/2002 23:34:13
On Tue, Mar 26, 2002 at 05:32:24PM -0800, Henry B. Hotz wrote:
> The down side is that the only OS that supports all the power-saving 
> hardware features is MacOS 9.  NetBSD will undoubtedly always run 
> behind even OSX in providing full hardware support.

linux on the powerbook G4 supports the PMU pretty well.  There is very
little hardware on my revision A powerbook G4 linux does not support.  

I suggest again that netbsd developers interested in supporting as
much of the powerbook hardware as possible learn from the linux
implementation.  i've never heard an interpretation of copyleft that
prevented one from looking at code, saying "oh, so that's how it
works" and rewriting the stuff. 

let me close my lid and take my powerbook somewhere else and i'll be
in netbsd a lot more than i am right now.

Rob Latham                                        Woodridge, IL USA
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