Subject: fink, pkgsrc (was Re: powerbook g4)
To: None <>
From: paul beard <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 03/28/2002 16:43:54
Michael G. Schabert wrote:

 >> much as I like *BSD, OS X with the fink tools makes a lot of
 >> sense. XFree 4.2 is stable and at last count there were 800+
 >> ports available.
 > Personally, I would go with OSX with the NetBSD packagesource
 > collection :-)
 > Better to stick with the interface with which we're familiar.


"cd <pkgdir> && make install" versus "fink install <pkgname>"

I have been working on getting pkgsrc to work on OS X and it
hasn't gone well so far. Plus there's the annoyance of having lots
of stuff installed that pkgsrc may/will end up replicating.

I suggest anyone who is considering a newer Mac take a look at OS
X and fink before they knock it. fink is an enhancement to OS X
where NetBSD is a replacement for it: my early impressions of
pkgsrc on OS X is that it's not as well integrated (bear in mind
fink predates the full release of OS X).

and it's not like you can't compile from source if what you need
isn't available through fink.

Paul Beard
8040 27th Ave NE
Seattle WA 98115
206 529 8400

A Riverside, California, health ordinance states that two persons
may not kiss each other without first wiping their lips with
carbolized rosewater.