Subject: Re: sysctl output for devel/cpuflags package
To: NetBSD \(MacPPC\) <>
From: Ryan La Riviere <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 03/26/2002 18:02:44
On 03/26/2002 17:31, "Jon Buller" <> wrote:

> report.  I'm also curious if those GCC flags will have as much
> effect as they do on my SPARCStation.  Mine has a multiply
> instruction, the default flags use a function call to emulate it
> instead.  That is so the code will run on older hardware.  As you
> can probably guess, things like ssh's RSA encryption run a lot
> faster if you don't emulate one of the fundemental building blocks.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it.


Ryan "My hometown is nowhere, my friends are everywhere." La Riviere

System Administrator; Drexel University