Subject: Re: panic: startup: cannot allocate VM for buffers /macppc quicksilver netbsd 1.5.2
To: None <>
From: Makoto Fujiwara <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 03/21/2002 21:39:11
From: Hans Baier <>
Hans> I downloaded netbsd 1.5.2 official CD-Image,
Hans> and I get that kernel panic. I have 768M RAM.
Hans> Reducing it to 256M helped not.

How much do you have for the swap ?
My experience says 512M or 768M swap gives you kernel panic.
If you have only a large swap partition, try commenting out
the swap entry from /etc/fstab to see if that is really the problem.

Aha, I did not read the subject line. Quick silver needs at least
20011221 snapshot to work if I remember correctly.
Makoto Fujiwara