Subject: SystemDisk 2.3.1. question
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 03/17/2002 17:49:41
I am trying to install netbsd 1.5.2 on a beige minitower powerMac G3 with
2.0f1 firmware.  I have done everything exactly according to the
documentation, the installation was successful.  The problem I am having
happens when I try to run SystemDisk.  I downloaded and created the
Disktools boot disk, it works and the machine boots into the Mac desktop.
Then, I select "eject disk" from the special menu and insert the
SystemDisk.  The disk is ejected and I am prompted for the Disktools disk,
at this point the machine crashes.

I have tried a few different floppies, so I don't think it is a bad floppy
although it could be.  The SystemDisk tutorial on the netbsd website is a
little sparse on this information.  It says to make the Diskimage disk
using the Diskimage tool, which I did.  But, it does not say how to make
the Systemdisk.  Can you just copy SystemDisk2.3.2.smi to a floppy?  Once,
the machine boots what is the procedure to mount the SystemDisk2.3.1.smi
image.  Is there a step I am missing?  Any help will be greatly
appreciated!!!!  Please also respond to this address directly.  Thanks in
