Subject: Re: Booting Beige G3
To: Blair Stilwell <>
From: Nils Kassube <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 02/21/2002 22:31:53
* Blair Stilwell <> [2002-02-21 21:41]:

> that is gives me an error to the effect of cannot open device.  Instead 
> the SCSI drives are listed as children of /pci/mac-io/mesh .  When I try 

Er, sorry if this sounds like a stupid question, but are you
sure the hard disk(s) are connected to the UW card? My NetBSD
system is on the (single) internal UW SCSI hard disk attached to 
the Apple 53c875 Card not on an external drive. 

> Is there maybe something in your nvramrc that is giving you access to 
> SCSI drives through /pci/Apple53C875Card/ ?

I simply followed the instructions on

Nothing else.

Lübeck, Germany - The Marzipan City