Subject: Re: Root access
To: None <>
From: Anton Kiland <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 01/21/2002 14:53:58
>> it boots fine and all that, but i cant get root access....
>> I have tried to do the '# /sbin/mount -u -w' command
> The '#' shellprompt is a vague indication that you *do* have root 
> access..
> Your machine is running in single user mode, with / mounted read-only,
> which means that you can't write to it.
>> and it sais something (dont remember exact words)

this is what i have written and got in return:

  # /sbin/mount -u -w /
   /dev/sd1a: file system not clean (fs_flags=40); please fsck(8)
  # vi /etc/rc.conf
   vi: not found
  # ex /etc/conf
   ex: not found
  # ed /etc/rc.conf


and, i cant use the 'login' command cuz it answers me with 'not found'
and i cant use 'man <manual>' command cuz it dont know what the command 
'man' is and so on...

help please!


> That's not very helpful - then again, the command should have been
> /sbin/mount -u -w /
> (The last slash should be there.)
> If it still doesn't work, please write down exactly what it says - 
> otherwise
> troubleshooting will be difficult ;)
> --
>     Martijn van Buul - -
> 	 Geek code: G--  - Visit OuterSpace: 3333
>    Kees J. Bot: The sum of CPU power and user brain power is a constant.