Subject: Re: Install do not find hd
To: Jan Rockstedt <>
From: Bill Studenmund <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 12/26/2001 12:36:55
On Fri, 21 Dec 2001, Jan Rockstedt wrote:

> Hi !
> I have a beige G3 with Open Fireware 2.0f1
> I've have run SystemDisk.
> First i hade problem to boot fd:0
> But now have download a old boot file "bootfloppy-990220.fs"
> and boot up the G3 ok.

That's REALLY old. There is a more recent snapshot (like within the last
week or so), and there is the 1.5.2 release (which is older code, but
newer than 1.3I). Please try one of those.

> I get the NetBSD-1.3I Install System Meu.
> I press the A for Install NetBSD to hard disk.
> But the install can not find any hard drive.

As above, please try something newer than 1.5.0, either the 1.5.2 release,
or a recent snapshot of -current. The 1.5.2 release is considered more
stable, and should support that machine fine.

You also realize that this install will need the full drive, don't you?

Take care,
