Subject: Re: Are there any known problems with uvm or pmap in -current as of about Oct. 16?
To: NetBSD-ppc <>
From: Xavier HUMBERT <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 10/31/2001 13:09:29
In message <>,
Chuck Silvers wrote:

>the only thing I can suggest at the moment is turning on "options NEWPMAP"

Will, been there, done than, now, got compile problems, well everythying
compiles fine, but it's at link time :

>ld -N -Ttext 0x100000 -e __start -S -o netbsd ${SYSTEM_OBJ} vers.o
>machdep.o: In function `restore_ofmap':
>machdep.o(.text+0x754): undefined reference to `pmap_update'
>machdep.o: In function `cpu_startup':
>machdep.o(.text+0xaa4): undefined reference to `pmap_update'
>machdep.o: In function `mapiodev':
>machdep.o(.text+0xfa4): undefined reference to `pmap_update'
>*** Error code 1

Is there something else missing ?

Xavier HUMBERT  -  Systemes et Reseaux     |
INJEP                                      |