Subject: install error
To: None <>
From: saga <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 08/15/2001 08:47:40

My name is saga(Japanese).
I'm not good at enblish,so...

I have tried install NetBSD to PowerMac G4(Degital Audio), so next error 
appeard booting
ofwboot.xcf(or ofwboot.elf).

method <`usb-kdb-ihandle>
not found;

OpenFirmware, device map is next

/pseudo-hid/keyboad  ff8f21d0
/usb@19/hub@1/device@1/keyboad@0  ff957a18

The following method, I have tried.

1)  mouse remove  :same error
2)  usb keyboad directry connect to PC  :same error
3) change keyboad to usb another device :same error

what's wrong?
I guess the address of pseudo-handle is OK, but the keyboad device 
address is wrong
(ihandle is out of range).
But I don't know how to change.

if you have resolve this error, give me answer, please.

Hardware PowerMacG4 533Mhz
Monitor     Apple TFT17inch
Mouse      Apple One button

OpenFirmware 3
BootROM  PowerPC3

I'v seen that sentence in FAQ and install.html, "report 
PowerBook(titanium) which
Rom version 4.4.1 not boot...", "USB keyboad connect to PC(not 