Subject: Re: IDE OF Booting
To: None <>
From: Matthew Theobalds <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 08/04/2001 01:38:46
On Saturday, August 4, 2001, at 01:16  am, John Valdes wrote:

> On Sat, Aug 04, 2001 at 12:28:04AM +0100, Matthew Theobalds wrote:
>> I have a B&W G3 onto which I have been trying to install NetBSD/macppc.
> [...]
>> The G3 has two IDE buses, the first of which has only a CD drive, the
>> second of which has the hard-disk which I want to use for NetBSD. My 
>> Mac
>> hard disk is on a SCSI card.
>> I can boot the sysinst kernel with the following:
>> 	boot ide1/disk@0:6,ofwboot.xcf ide1/disk@0:6,netbsd
>> and I get to the installation kernel just as with other NetBSD 
>> releases.
>> However, when I choose the hard disk onto which I will install NetBSD,
>> it politely tells me that:
>> 	"I only found one hard disk, sd0, so I presume you want to install
>> NetBSD onto that."
>> Or words to that effect. But I don't want to! I have this hard disk
>> which clearly exists since I booted the kernel from it. Why won't it 
>> see
>> it?
> Do you see a line for the drive in the kernel messages when the
> installation kernel boots?  If they scroll by too quickly, when the
> installer starts, try exiting to a shell and using dmesg.  If it is
> seen by the kernel, try using disklabel to see if you can see the
> drive (eg, "disklabel /dev/rwd0c" where you'd replace "wd0" w/
> whatever drive name was reported by the kernel).  Does disklabel see
> the partition map, and is it interpreting it correctly (ie, properly
> identifying your NetBSD partition(s))?

The dmesg reports that it can see a wd0c, (or perhaps a wdc0, I can't 
quite remember now).

I tried a disklabel wd0, but it says "Device not configured", which 
suggests that it can see it, but doesn't like the partitioning, perhaps?

A disklabel sd0 brings out the correct information for the disk which it 
can see.

So to answer your question, it knows the drive is there, but doesn't 
like something about it, I think.

> If the install kernel doesn't see the disk, can you move it to be the
> master on the first IDE controller w/ the CD-ROM elsewhere (either the
> slave on the first controller or master or slave on the second) and
> try again?

I could do this, but only as a last resort since I have quite nastily 
cut my thumb on the case already this evening, and don't wish to do it 
again. It will also mean looking for some jumpers for the drives, since 
I haven't enough on them already.

But if I have to do this to succeed, I will. Any more ideas first, 

>> When I put that disk as a slave onto the first IDE bus, it will not 
>> even
>> boot the installation kernel from it.
> In that case, I believe the drive in OF would be ide0/disk@1 ; I
> assume that's what you used?

Yes, I tried lots of other combinations, too; none of which worked.

Thanks for your help, all the best.
