Subject: Re: Editing nvramrc from within NetBSD?
To: Lars Kellogg-Stedman <>
From: Wesley Horner <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 05/22/2001 15:08:04
> The hardware address ain't the problem :).
> The Mac sends sends out a bootp query and receives a reply and at least
> begins a tftp transaction.  The "CLAIM failed" message appears before the
> kernel starts to boot -- possibly while ofwboot is still in control.

Hmm.  Is the size of the file specified in the bootp config or is it auto?
Like I said it has been a while so it is unlikly that I have the old config
that I used laying around.  In any case I do know that powersurge systems
can be netbooted.  As to which OSen can do it I am not sure.  If I get a 
spare moment I can try it with netbsd and see what happens.


Vax  a vicious creature known to eat 110AC and quotes through its 
*DCL*.  Vax are usually found in groups of Vaxen called clusters where 
they lay in wait to ravage their prey known as users.