Subject: Re: Informal poll: Installation instructions
To: None <,>
From: Ben Harris <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 03/26/2001 22:02:09
In article <v03130304b6e2b45e3d2b@[]> you write:
>OK, it's pretty apparent that the current set of installation notes is
>unacceptable.  I'm willing to rewrite them for 1.5.1, but I'd like to get
>an idea of what the users (i.e. y'all) think is the most useful.

While I didn't have much problem installing with the aid of the current
notes (using OF 1.0.5 probably helps here), I'd like to add a voice in
opposition to one of your options (all the others seem fine to me, and I'm
pleased to hear that someone wants to make the instructions better).

>"Basic plus HOW-TO"
>Have a general overview of the installation procedure and have links to
>HOW-TO style webpages for each class of OF versions.  Same downside as
>before (four separate copies), plus it requires a web browser and an
>internet connection.  This shouldn't be much of a problem since the native
>OS for these machines comes with a web browser and AFAIK most Mac users are
>connected to the internet.

This is true, but doesn't help when you're half-way through the installation
and can't remember the next stage, especially when booting into Mac OS tends
to destroy OF settings.  Having a single document that contained everything
I needed to know, and that could be printed out before I started, was very
useful for me.  It would be a pity to lose this virtue of the current

Ben Harris                                                   <>
Portmaster, NetBSD/arm26               <URL:>