Subject: Re: NetBSD-1.5 on 7500 with 604
To: None <>
From: James Tuman Nelson <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 01/26/2001 01:07:27
I connected the keyboard directly to the 7500, bypassing the monitor,
with no luck.
I tried this with and without the System Disk (modified) patches.
I am not using an extension cable, just the stock configuration.
I also set the monitor to 66Hz and 640x800 under MacOS.
I set the input/output to kbd and /chaos/control and auto-boot off.
When rebooting, the system stops at OF, the monitor screen lights up,
but no output.
The keyboard works fine connected to kbd.
This is the same thing that happens under NetBSD, but I have not tried
booting to NetBSD with the 
keyboard connected directly to the 7500.

I will try the nvedit approach tomorrow.

Jim Nelson

"Henry B. Hotz" wrote:
> The 1710 should support that resolution.  Do you have the ADB plugged
> in through the monitor?  You could try unplugging the monitor ADB
> cord and plugging the kb/mouse in directly.  Then the monitor/CPU
> interface is a bit simpler and you have bypassed some potential
> problems.  Also are you using a monitor extension cable?  That's
> unlikely to be the issue, but still. . .