Subject: Re: NetBSD-1.5 on 7500 with 604
To:, <>
From: Henry B. Hotz <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 01/25/2001 15:37:40
At 1:16 PM -0800 1/23/01, James T. Nelson wrote:
>I tried setting "setenv output-device /chaos/control" and "setenv 
>input-device kbd", and then booting to the Jaz drive.  The system 
>boots up, but the monitor is black, and no output on ttya.  However, 
>I can input commands with the keyboard through ttya.
>I have not been able to get the monitor to work under OF either. 
>Usually, I get a white square, very stable.  I can input commands to 
>OF through the keyboard, though.  "setenv output-device ttya" blanks 
>the screen of the monitor, and displays on my terminal (Mac SE with 
>Zterm), as it should.

First of all do you have the video patch for OF installed?  OK, you 
tried SystemDisk.  Have you tried stripping the patches to just that 
one?  (In OF nvedit gets you a one-line emacs editor; ^c to quit and 
nvsave or nvstore to save the edit buffer back to nvramrc.)

This version of OF only supports the original Mac output resolution 
so it initializes to 640 by 480 at 66 Hz, and that's all you can get. 
This corresponds to the resolution/timing of the original Toby card 
introduced with the MacII, and is not compatible with cheaper PC 

>I am using Apple's 1710 monitor, which was purchased with the 7500. 
>128 MByte of memory.  The Jaz drive is 1 GByte.  Except for the 
>monitor problem, NetBSD works just fine.  OF 1.0.5.

The 1710 should support that resolution.  Do you have the ADB plugged 
in through the monitor?  You could try unplugging the monitor ADB 
cord and plugging the kb/mouse in directly.  Then the monitor/CPU 
interface is a bit simpler and you have bypassed some potential 
problems.  Also are you using a monitor extension cable?  That's 
unlikely to be the issue, but still. . .

> Incidently, I tried setting wscons and /etc/ttys.  No luck.  I did 
>not try turning on the console in /etc/ttys or /etc/wscons.conf, 

None of this should matter.  Just see if you can get it working with 
OF.  NetBSD just inherits the video configuration AFAIK.

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