Subject: Does PPP work on MacPPC? Yes!
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-macppc
Date: 01/01/2001 17:36:20
> ping times are now around 16 ms, which is about what I expect.

Most excellent.  Glad I could help.

> P.S. I suspect that this may be similar to my problem with the "lost
> interrupts" in the Cyclades serial driver, but I don't understand the
> code enough to play with it....

On reflection, I think you may well be right.  Any interrupt (including
soft "interrupts" like setsoftnet()) that occurs while do_pending_int()
is running will get lost, as I read it, unless that interrupt was
blocked when do_pending_int() got called - which usually won't be the
case.  Or, of course, unless the interrupting hardware persists in
banging on the CPU's interrupt line until it gets acknowledged - does
your Cyclades hardware do that?

					der Mouse

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