Subject: Re: Newbie macppc user with some problems/questions
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: port-macppc
Date: 01/01/2001 17:25:05
> : part-valid?
>   pmbfr >pmsig 2c@-be kpmsig = pmbfr >pmparttype " Apple_HFS" comp 0= pmbfr
>   >pmparttype " Apple_Boot" comp 0= or and ; ok

> I have no idea what "2c@-be" means,

I imagine it's "read a two-byte value in big-endian byte sex regardless
of host-native byte sex".

> My NetBSD partitions are type "Apple_Unix_SVR2", so OF thinks they're
> invalid.

Did you try bashing the type to Apple_Boot or Apple_HFS and see if that
made it willing to boot?

>> [observed problem with gm0]
> However, for, me ifconfiging it down and back up seems to cure the
> problem (temporarily).

I'll have to try that if/when I see it happen on that iMac; if it works
for you there's a decent chance it'll work for me too.

Now if only there were some way the driver could detect it and do the
equivalent hardware-kicking on its own initiative.... :-)

					der Mouse

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