Subject: Re: Does PPP work on MacPPC?
To: None <,>
From: Ben Harris <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 01/01/2001 13:25:47
In article <v03130300b675c7d71d34@[]> you write:
>>> I'm betting that this has not been addressed because no one has PPP
>>> working on MacPPC - (serial ports dont work....)
>>In what sense do they not?  I'm seeing some odd brokenness on the
>>console serial port on my 4400/200; it works okay for a while (at least
>>FSVO "a while"), but then it acts as though the receiver falls over -
>>it just stops paying attention to input characters.  For a while I
>>thought the whole machine was hanging, but then I noticed it happened
>>only when I was actively typing.  Shortly thereafter, I got it up
>>enough to talk to the net, and next time it "hung", sure enough, it
>>still answered the net.  Is this sort of experience common?
>The console on /dev/tty00 seems to work, but if you mess with it, by
>trying to change the speed or hooking up a modem, it stops working.

Hmm.  I get that kind of behaviour too.  I'm using a serial console on an
Apus 2000, and it stops working if I turn the terminal off, and recovers on
reboot.  I haven't had a chance to look closely at it though.

Ben Harris                                                   <>
Portmaster, NetBSD/arm26               <URL:>