Subject: getting file sustem full message on default disklabel...
To: None <>
From: Jojo <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 12/06/2000 07:59:18
on installing NetBSD 1.5 on my 2gb hd i selected standart with x at
partitioning the hd. dunno the actual sizes but i suppose it should be
enough for the machine to so its work...
anyway i am a novice usr and i tried to copy comething to / (actually it was
the syssrc.tgz) but i got the msg file system full. now everytime i boot 
i get this msg

uid 0 on /: file system full

and i think for /var too.

i havent found a command that shows disk usage and size. or maybe there are
still fragments of the file i tried to copy but i dont see it.
please help anyone...

Joachim Anderson