Subject: really slow upload to wallstreet powerbook
To: netbsd-port-macppc <>
From: charlie allom <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 11/23/2000 23:45:16

i have a strange thing happening here, and just wondering if any
owners of wallstreet powerbooks notice the same thing .. (i know
you're out there!)

on my LAN, when i leech from the wallstreet to a machine inside, 
i can get speeds that flood my 10Base link.

now .. when i upload -to- the box, either thru ftp or
afp-over-tcp i cannot break 35KB/sec ..

i can't test if i can get higher speeds thru the box onto a
machine outside of the LAN, because my ISP caps me at 16KB/sec.

anyone? :) i was thinking it may be the HDD, but the HDD can send
fast, it just can't seem to write as quickly. is this possible?
otherwise it's probably software related? this is on 1.5_BETA2

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