Subject: bind9/threads on macppc ?
To: None <>
From: Danny Thomas <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 11/14/2000 19:09:58
I want to setup a system running dhcp & bind9

at the moment, the hardware most available to me are iMacs from a teaching
lab. While I still haven't managed to install on one of these yet, the big
question is whether I can run bind9 under MacPPC. You see it needs threads.
On the i386 unproven is the first choice for bind9, but the only ppc pkg I
could see was pth - the bind9 pkg says

# Sync these with devel/unproven-pthreads:
ONLY_FOR_PLATFORM=      NetBSD-*-i386 NetBSD-*-arm32 NetBSD-*-m68k

Does anyone know whether bind9 can be built fairly easily on MacPPC?
  maybe unproven threads is available
  or maybe some other thread pkg works

While it would be nice to use an iMac, I don't have the time or expertise
to sort any significant problems out myself.

Danny Thomas