Subject: Re: ofwboot man page 2nd draft
To:, Chris Tribo <>
From: Henry B. Hotz <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 11/06/2000 09:57:51
At 12:05 AM -0500 11/4/00, Michael Wolfson wrote:
>At 5:56 PM -0800 11/3/00, Henry B. Hotz wrote:
>:)I don't think bootpath and bootargs are supported in OF 1.0.5 so I
>:)don't understand where they might come from.  Can anyone comment?
>Actually, they do. 'boot scsi-int/sd@3:0,OFWBOOT.XCF fd' and 'boot
>scsi-int/sd@3:0,OFWBOOT.XCF /bandit/gc/swim3' actually load ofwboot.xcf
>from the CD and the kernel from the floppy.

I was refering specifically to the OF objects by those names which 
ofwboot reads.  It checks that one of them doesn't come back null 
(which I guess it does under OF1.0.5) and then proceeds 
"accordingly".  They must have something to do with returning command 
line arguments, but never having dived into the OF standard ocean I'm 
not sure *exactly* what's going on.

>:)	boot {promdev[@addr][:part],}ofwboot.xcf exit
>:)	boot {promdev[@addr][:part],}ofwboot.xcf -{a|s|d}[a|s|d...]
>:)	boot {promdev[@addr][:part],}ofwboot.xcf
>:)		[[promdev[{:|,}partition]]/]filename[ a|s|d...]
>Don't forget
>	boot {promdev[@addr][:part],}
>where in some cases you don't need a filename (such as if you're booting
>from a `partition zero' bootloader which knows to use ofwboot.xcf.  Of
>course specifying ofwboot.xcf doesn't affect it at all, but it's not
>strictly necessary.

I'm writing an ofwboot man page, not a bootxx man page.  ;-)  I'm 
trying to be complete in describing ofwboot, but still give a bit of 
flavor for what else is going on.  If someone else would take on 
writing a man page for bootxx I'd love it.

Actually I think what we really need is an OF user's guide for 
PowerMac users.  Maybe the Linux folks have an equivalent we can 

Now as to that "partition zero" stuff:  as I understand it it's a 
misnomer because there is really a "fake" Apple Partition Map there 
with enough in it that OF can find the boot blocks with bootxx in 
them.  That's why you can't use "partition zero" with real Apple 
Partition Maps on the newer machines.  I think the zero means the 
boot blocks or the first bootable partition, and the meaning depends 
on the OF version number.  None of this is part of ofwboot.

>:)the Open Firmware command line.  Booting MacOS or booting with
>:)cmd-opt-P-R held down resets them to their default values.
>AFAIK:  Booting MacOS on OF 3 machines changes nothing.  On OF 2 machines
>only affects real-base.  On OF 1 machines resets all to default values.
>Someone correct me if I'm wrong.

All the machines I can play with freely are OF 1.0.5.  Chris, can you 
confirm that it's *only* the real-base that gets changed?

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