Subject: Some OF questions
To: None <>
From: Andy <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 07/07/2000 08:17:09
The FAQ states that for OF 2.0x you need to  "setenv LOAD-BASE 0x6c0000" to
use ofwboot.xcf

-Is "LOAD-BASE" same as "load-base" that you see as a result of
"printenv"?. If not- what's the difference between the two?

-"load base" does not accept the numbers in hex (0xXXXXX )format, only
decimal ( if you type "setenv load-base 0x6c0000"  it complains) However
LOAD-BASE is happpy to accept a hex value. From which I surmise that all
numbers you see in "printenv" are in decimal. Is this so?

-Can someone explain the importance of the ofwboot.xcf being loaded at
0x6c0000.  I understand this value comes from the ofwboot makefile  where
the linker is instructed  to write this value as a starting address of the
text segment of the program. But why 0x6c0000 and not any other value?

- I can boot  ofwboot.xcf from a DOS floppy ( and subsequently the 1.4.2.
kernel)  on a beige G3 ( OF 2.0.4) without setting LOAD-BASE to 0x6c0000.
Why is this possible?

Does  the load-base value  affect only the booter or also the kernel it's

Thanks in advance
