Subject: Re: Speaking of booting NetBSD...
To: russell muetzeleldt <>
From: Michael Wolfson <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 06/15/2000 09:26:27
At 3:49 PM +1000 6/15/00, russell muetzeleldt wrote:

:)since you're talking about serial cables though, i expect you have
:)something older... you should be able to use BootVars to set your Open
:)Firmware to boot off ether from within MacOS, and if needed Cmd-Opt-P-R
:)will get you back to MacOS... setting up diskless booting is covered in
:)the port-macppc faqs IIRC...

Please, the recommended program is SystemDisk.   BootVars should *only* be
used on machines that SystemDisk does not support (only 54xx and 6400).
SystemDisk adds patches to nvram on most pre-3.0 OF machines that fix a
*lot* of problems.

To answer the initial question, no one has written a boot selector for
older macs.  Also, when you boot into MacOS on an OF 1.0.5 machine, it
erases all values stored in the nvram.  You will need to run SystemDisk
again to re-enable the nvram patches, the correct kbd/screen devices, and
your preferred boot drive.

  -- MW