Subject: Re: Screen resolution (was: Feb 8 snapshot problems)
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 03/12/2000 10:46:24
>     You might be able to get around this with an Interex Mac ->
> VGA monitor adapter, forcing it into 832x624. (at least hopefully)

Hm, the screen I have is an original Apple 16" monitor,
"Macintosh 16" Color Display", M1298.  I don't understand how a
mac->vga adapter can help?

> That should work if its an ATI based graphics chip, I can't
> remember what drives the 7600. If its Valkrye(?) you're probably
> out of luck as that controller is pretty dumb about resolution
> switching. If it is ATI based, I might be able to figure something
> out...

Well, NetBSD says:

ofb0 at pci1 dev 11 function 0: Apple Computer Control
ofb0: 640 x 480, 8bpp
wsdisplay0 at ofb0
Apple Computer PlanB (undefined subclass 0x00, revision 0x01) at pci1 dev 13 function 0 not configured

and OpenFirmware says

FF83DF08: /chaos@F0000000
FF83FAA8:   /control@B
FF840E60:   /planb@D


0 > dev /chaos/control words 
close           restore         draw-logo       write           open            read-rectangle  
fill-rectangle  draw-rectangle  get-colors      set-colors      color!          color@          
0 > pwd /chaos@F0000000/control@B ok
0 > .properties 
vendor-id               0000106B 
device-id               00000003 
revision-id             00000000 
class-code              00000000 
min-grant               00000000 
max-latency             00000000 
devsel-speed            00000000 
AAPL,interrupts         0000001A 
name                    control
device_type             display
model                   AAPL,343S1154
AAPL,connector          monitor
reg                     00015800 00000000 00000000  00000000 00000000 
                        02015818 00000000 00000000  00000000 04000000 
                        02015814 00000000 00000000  00000000 00001000 
assigned-addresses      82015818 00000000 94000000  00000000 04000000 
                        82015814 00000000 90001000  00000000 00001000 

0 > 

for the video card.

Although I hate to say it, LinuxPPC gets this part right, although
that may be because it boots via the MacOS boot loader, causing the
card to be properly initialized?

- H=E5vard