Subject: Re: telnet login refused
To: None <>
From: Christos Zoulas <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 02/06/2000 18:16:46
In article <>,
Atsushi Uchida <> wrote:
>Hi everyone! This in my first inquiry!!
>Today I installed NetBSD 1.4.1 to Centris 650.
>It was succcesfully finished and I vipw-ed to make users.
>After that, I tried to login by telnet via Ethernet from PowerBook
>using NCSA telnet application, but the login was completely refused.
>I made following settings on NetBSD.
>Made new accout with vipw
>MY-ACCOUNT:PASSWORD:0:0:0::0:0: :/home/MY-ACCOUNT:/bin/csh
>Add MY-ACCOUNT in /etc/group file
>wheel:*:0:root, MY-ACCOUNT
>Then, I have questions.
>1. Remote-login(telnet) user must be specified in NetBSD?
>    If so, How can can I do?
>2. As the user whose gid is "0" can be etitled as superuser
>    when telnet, the other user whose gid is not "0" can not
>    even login by telnet.

You need to mark the pty's secure to do this (man 5 ttys)
