Subject: Re: supported models
To: David A. Gatwood <>
From: Todd Whitesel <>
List: port-macppc
Date: 10/07/1999 00:25:56
I hope that the web page changes to use words instead of color.
Perhaps there should just be a column of disqualifiers, so it
is blank if the machine is supported, reads "unknown" if no one
has analyzed the machine specs yet, or says one of Nubus/601/etc.
to explain why a given model isn't supported.

I also hope that this will make it onto the web site
eventually. The web site needs more matrices like that.

With NetBSD we are happily taking on the job of supporting a bewildering
array of configurations, far more than FreeBSD or OpenBSD, and we run
the same system on vastly more different configurations than Linux or NT.
Things like this are vital if we're ever going to be able to tell people
with confidence whether or not they should bother to try loading NetBSD.

Todd Whitesel
toddpw @