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Re: Nubus issue on LC II

At 20:28 Uhr +0000 16.03.2019, John Klos wrote:
>Separately, it seems that sbc* with PDMA disabled is required for a
>SCSI2SD to work on this (and possibly other) m68030 Macs.

ISTR that ncrscsi(4) only ever supported a hand-picked selection of disks.
So, I am not surprised.

>After compiling a kernel with lots of stuff removed, I booted and came
>across my first problem: ethernet didn't work. I could configure the card,
>but no bits flowed on the wire. This is an ae* card which I just bought,
>so instead I pulled a Sonic card from a working system, and got this:

[several sn(4) adapters]

>Trying to access sn0 causes the system to lock up. Trying to access sn1
>causes the system to lock up, but it's at least slightly responsive for a
>minute or so.

Well, it cannot be here...

>Configuring sn2 gives me a working network connection.

... and here at the same time. Be happy one of the probed adapters is the
real one, and works!  ;)

ISTR that the LCII has one of the more convoluted memory maps, and it has
probably been a while since anybody booted NetBSD on it (and lived to tell
the story).


(whose Macs are still sitting on a shelf, disconnected, after the last move)

"It's never straight up and down"     (DEVO)

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