Subject: Re: NetBSD 4 sets optimized for specific m68k processors
To: None <>
From: Tim & Alethea Larson <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 12/23/2007 11:43:13
John Klos wrote:
> I've gotten into the habit of compiling NetBSD with processor specific
> optimizations for some added speed. I regularly use m68060 compiled sets
> on two Amigas and m68040 compiled sets on two m68k Macs, so I'd consider
> them pretty well tested. I don't have any m68030 Macs, so it'd be good
> to get some feedback should anyone test these.
> The optimized binaries are noticeably snappier with regards to commonly
> used, CPU intensive stuff. For instance, ssh logins, at least
> subjectively, feel a bit quicker than with generic sets.
> If you're interested in using them, you can get them from here:
> (the machine hosting the files, by the way, is a colocated Quadra 605
> running the '040 optimized sets; see
> for pictures)
> Feedback would be most welcome.
I did a minimal upgrade (kern/base/etc) on my Mystic CC. That went
well, especially since I remembered to run postinstall to fix things up
this time. Haven't had much time to do anything beyond that, but I'm
looking forward to trying things out. Especially if I can revive my
Q840, too.
John, are you going to build optimized X-related sets? I do use X on
the CC so that would prove helpful.
Tim & Alethea