Subject: Re: bypassing slow Quadra SCSI
To: None <>
From: Tim & Alethea Larson <>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 08/30/2007 03:35:08
David Brownlee wrote:
> On Wed, 29 Aug 2007, Tim & Alethea Larson wrote:
>> Maybe keeping a single copy of pkgsrc for all my machines to build
>> from makes some sense, then. (I have a mostly-unused 9 GB drive in a
>> mostly-unused SGI box; having a reason to keep it turned on would be
>> great.) I'll have to look into how to keep output files organized
>> when doing that, though. I assume the framework supports this somehow
>> - work/<platform> subdirs maybe?
> in your /etc/mk.conf set:
> WRKOBJDIR?=/var/obj/pkg
> (or wherever)
After seeing some of the other recent posts and reading some archives of
the pkgsrc list, setting this to a tmpfs /tmp/work might be a big help.
With sources on a NFS mount and object files in memory, my Q840 might
finally be unleashed. :)
If I understand this correctly, though, nothing on a tmpfs ever gets
written to I need to do a "make install" (or package) before
power goes off or I'll end up losing everything. Right?
> If you have plenty of memory you may also want to speed things up:
> CFLAGS+=-pipe
Well 128 MiB is plenty most of the time but if I go with a tmpfs I'll be
putting a lot more demands on it too. This could be a good alternative
to the idea above, though.
Thanks for all the suggestions.
Tim & Alethea