From: Michael R. Zucca <mrz5149@acm.org>
List: port-mac68k
Date: 06/03/2007 17:02:58
On May 29, 2007, at 5:44 PM, <thelarsons3@cox.net>
<thelarsons3@cox.net> wrote:
> I set up my Q840 long ago to be my "software build box" before I
> knew about or fully realized the implications of the slow SCSI on
> these systems. (Is Michael Zucca still around?)
I'm keeping an eye out.
> I was wondering if by netmounting /usr/pkgsrc I'd gain anything,
> or not?
> The practical limit of the 840's network is maybe 8 Mb/s, and
> SCSI-1 can reach 5 MB/s. If actual performance is less than 1 MB/s
> though, it might be better to netmount!
This sounds like an almost good idea but I wonder if network is
hobbled on a machine like this not by the throughput of the card but
the overhead in dealing with the network stack vs. a disk subsystem
where the overhead should be lower for setup when doing IOs.